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You are here: Greyhound Dog Adoption > Greyhound Stories > Tex's Story

Tex visits his extended family “A Big Surprise”
Tex's Story

When my husband was terminally ill, my daughter moved back home to spend as much time with her dad as possible. She brought with her, three dogs, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a Whippet and a dog rescued from abuse and neglect from Taiwan.

One evening she brought back with her what looked to me like a baby (black and white) hiefer-calf. It was a beautiful greyhound that she named Tex, (short for Texaco - for being so gassy). Well to my surprise -Tex was a good addition. He is a beautiful dog, extremely well-behaved and happy to have his needs met with food and water and as much love and affection as you can give him. So - the surprise was on me - to realize what a great addition to your family you could have by adopting one of these wonderful animals. Your affection will be rewarded many times over. - Dorothy Wolfe, aged 92.

This story was submitted by greyhound owner Deb and her mom Dorothy Wolfe